Therapeutic dentistry

Therapeutic dentistry

Therapeutic dentistry is one of the main areas of dentistry, the task of which is the prevention and treatment of diseased teeth and periodontal tissues. Therefore, the main conditions for maintaining a beautiful and healthy smile are regular visits to the dentist and preventive examinations (once every 3-6 months), which are necessary so that the dentist-therapist can identify and eliminate the causes of tooth decay in time.

Services provided by a general dentist

– initial consultation (in EuroDent-M dentistry, the consultation is free);
– examination (if necessary, the patient undergoes hardware diagnostics – X-ray, orthopantomogram, CT scan)
– approval of a treatment plan;
– treatment of caries and other dental diseases;
– root canal treatment and re-treatment;
– filling, restoration of teeth;
– professional oral hygiene;
– elimination of cosmetic defects of teeth, whitening procedure;
– additional preventive procedures (remineralization, fluoridation).

Before / After


It is possible to avoid painful sensations thanks to any painkiller that you are allowed to take (Nimesyl, Afida, Ibuprofen, Nurofen, Ibuprom, Ketanov). Dosage according to the instructions of the manufacturer of the drug. It is also advisable to consult a dentist as soon as possible, because there are a number of reasons that cause painful sensations in the tooth. Untimely treatment can lead to certain complications

To begin with, it is advisable to refrain from taking solid food and try not to chew on that side. After eating, you should rinse your mouth well and brush your teeth.

Painful sensations can be caused by the appearance of a secondary carious process under the filling, an inflammatory process in the nerve of the tooth, or a violation of the hermetic adhesion of the filling to the walls of the tooth. It all depends on when the tooth was filled, what was the initial diagnosis, and what treatment was carried out. We recommend making an appointment with a dentist to identify the cause and treatment.

During the feeding period, nursing mothers in general are allowed any type of dental services. The only thing a dentist can recommend to you is not to breastfeed or express milk for 4 hours after anesthesia.

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Teeth whitening

12 July 2023

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