

1. Therapeutic dentistry

Name of the servicePrice, USD
1. ConsultationFree
2. One-time Anti AIDS kit3
3. Diagnostic X-ray3.5
4. X-ray (for patients of another clinic)4
5. Application anesthesia3
6. Conductor anesthesia5
7. Installation of the rubber dam5
8. The seal is temporary3
9. Removal of the anchor pin, tab, tool from k/k5.5-27
10. Whitening of 1 jaw44
11. Whitening of 2 jaws80
12. Grinding and correction of the restoration7-18
13. Glass ionomer cement seal20.5
14. Sealing of a wedge-shaped defect20.5
15. Photopolymer seal (surface caries)20.5
16. Photo polymer seal (medium caries)27
17. Photo polymer seal (deep caries)33
18. Partial tooth restoration (½ tooth crown is missing)40
19. Complete tooth restoration52
20. Splinting of movable teeth with fiberglass thread (J-Fiber Tape) and photo polymer (1 functional group of 4-6 teeth)27-60
21. Removal of dental deposits from both jaws (in/out, airflow)33
22. Removal of dental deposits from both jaws (u/z)23
23. Adhesive bridge prosthesis49
24. Panoramic shot of OPTG9.5
25. Computed tomography CBCT of both jaws26
26. Computed tomography of CBCT of one jaw16
27. Computed tomography of the CBCT segment in the area of 3 teeth8

2. Endodontics

Name of the servicePrice, USD
Endo motor
1. 1-channel33
2. 2-channel55
3. 3-channel81
4. 4-channel16.5
Treatment of periodontitis (setting of medical bandages)
1. 1-channel16.5
2. 2-channel23
3. 3-channel44
Periodontitis. Treatment (mechanical decompression and medicant treatment)
1. 1-channel8
2. 2-channel14
3. 3-channel19
Secondary Endo Treatment
1. Filling of 1 root canal5.5

3. Children's dentistry

Name of the servicePrice, USD
1. Prevention of caries of 1 milk tooth3
2. Prevention of caries of the 1st jaw11
3. Professional cleaning of floors and walls11
4. Applying a devitalizing bandage5.5
5. Sealing of 1 root canal7
6. Glass-polymer cement seal19
7. Placement of a colored seal19
8. Amputation of the coronal pulp11
9. Posting a photo of a polymer seal18
10. Fluoridation3

4. Orthopedic dentistry

Name of the servicePrice, USD
1. Braces against bruxism41
2. Impression with silicone mass (1 jaw)9.5
3. Production of diagnostic models20.5
4. Laboratory-made plastic crown on the implant41
5. Temporary crown of clinical manufacture8
6. The crown is solid33
7. Metal-ceramic crown (standard)69
8. Metal-ceramic crown with shoulder mass82
9. Ceramic press insert115
10. Removing the crown5.5
11. Metal-plastic crown36
12. M/K crown with implant support115
13. Cementation of the crown7
14. Zirconium dioxide crown Standard /PRETTAU170/219
15. Zirconium dioxide crown with implant support205
16. Zirconium abutment96
17. Veneer (AESTHETIC COVER) of a tooth247
18. Rebasing of the prosthesis by the laboratory method25
19. Development of a tooth for a tab5.5
20. Cast insert is non-separable30
21. Ceramic press tab115
22. The cast tab is collapsible36
23. Zirconium dioxide tab55
24. Butterfly microprosthesis55
25. Microprosthesis "butterfly" nylon68
26. Partial removable prosthesis123
27. Complete removable prosthesis150
28. Making an individual spoon11
29. Bügel prosthesis for clasp fixation219
30. Bügel prosthesis on lock fasteners283
31. Nylon prosthesis178
32. Changing the sleeveIndividually
33. Repair (welding of an element) of a plastic prosthesis18
34. Repair of a brace prosthesis (Individual)From 25
35. Gum retraction in the area of one tooth4
36. Bite rollers 17

5. Surgery

Name of the servicePrice, USD
1. Consultation of a dental surgeonFree
2. Removing a tooth is simple19
3. Tooth extraction is difficult23
4. Removal of an atypical upper 8th tooth52-80
5. Removal of an atypical lower 8th tooth68-110
6. Removal of milk and periodontal teeth5.5
7. Suturing the hole8
8. Treatment of alveolitis5.5
9. Treatment of pericoronaritis5.5-14
10. Dissection of periostitis14
11. Removal of stitches3
12. Lip frenulum plastic surgery25
13. Tongue frenulum plastic surgery30
14. Correction of the alveolar bud22
15. Resection of the apex of the root Individually19
16. Sinus lifting (open)219-548
17. Closing the mouth with the maxillary sinus27
18. Bone plastic109-603
19. Installation of the Megagen AnyRidge Implant493
20. Sinus lifting (closed)164-329
21. Installing the Dio implant312
22. Wisdom tooth removal26

6. Implantation

Stage 1 Placement of Implants.MeGaGen - AnyRidge 493$ Dio - 312 $
2nd stage Shaper ash19$19$
3rd stage Removal of prints. 4th stage Abutment 22$ + 62$22$ + 34$
Crown MK-4 5.5$711$ 503$
Crown Zirconium Lux PRETTAU – 206$801$593$

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